Saturday 4 January 2014

Chinese Idioms Special: Happy new year of the horse

   As we all know, the year 2014 has begun. But according to the Chinese traditional lunar calendar the new year is going to begin within almost a month (on the 31st of January 2014).

   The new Chinese Year is going
to be the Year of the horse,
which, by the way, is possibly the first Chinese toned syllable you ever heard of, if you ever took the first lesson of Chinese language of whaterver course available online or in book.

   Anyway, this is going to be the year of the horse: manian:

To whish happy new year a lot of phrases and idioms exist. This is one of the most common one linked to the year of the horse:
"Ma dao chenggong". It is used to wish succes. As you can see, it is made of four characters. Its general meaning links the arrival of [the year of] the horse with the arrival of success:

This Saying can be used to wish happy new year of the horse; but it is not the only one. I am going to present some other related sayings in the next post!
See you soon!


  1. Hello thanks for the very interesting post full of graphics! Can you also explain 龙马精神 and 一马当先, please?

  2. Hi! Thank you for the comment! I will be glad to explain the two idioms you mentioned, as soon as possible: keep an eye on the blog!


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